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Mark Anthony Osuchukwu

•Art Aficionado •Writer •Gunzo Journalist •Story Teller •Social Critic • Thought leader •Editor


Suffering and smiling: A study of the biblical Job.

After the two most egocentric friends in history exchanged pleasantries they went back to their rivalry immediately when God said "Have you considered my servant Job, there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man that feareth god and eschews evil"

God seemed to have something to prove to Satan for no reason. Or perhaps personal aggrandizement could be a reason because he didn't engage other "sons of god" who came for the meeting. He only wanted one thing and that thing was to reiterate his superiority over the devil.
Photo by Lucxama Sylvain on Pexels

Four Occasions I discovered that women weren’t weaker vessels

In the Igbo culture, the strongest and the most revered deity is Ani, a woman.

In Catholicism, every prayer goes through the ears of the weaker vessel Mary before she transmits to her son or her second husband.

In time of famine, ancient Igbo people performed sacrifices to the earth God for her womb to be fruitful lest they starve to death. She, the deity is responsible for the food we eat and that isn't weakness. She literarily provides food when we are alive and when we die she houses our remains in her bosom under the ground.

For Catholics, anything they do must have Mary in the center. A defiant woman who left her betrothed husband at home to go and have intercourse with the holy spirit. The immaculate intercourse led to the birth of Jesus, a don that changed water to wine. An absolute OG.

Nobody prays to Joseph, the man who was first with Mary before the holy spirit developed feelings for her. Despite being the villain in this story she still has statues globally and half of humanity prays to her.


Sometimes, I wonder if the criteria for holding a public office in Nigeria includes; theatrical skills of sorts and a complete disenchantment for common sense and logical reasoning. My reason doesn’t stem from my ignorance of politics or a long distance relationship with the happenings of my country. It comes from a deep place of wonder, of surprise and more so, pain.

We have had in the past administration an Honourable, whose sole duty in the House of Representatives was to thrill his co polit


People like Solomon Dalung makes it difficult for me to believe that Nigeria is God’s plan for me. I mean; how can a man his age who bears Solomon as a name decide to spite common sense? How does that work? How does he sleep in the night? Do his children laugh at him? Does his wife still cook for him? He is just bent on snatching the tiny rays of hope emerging from anywhere and turning it into something else.

When I heard that the super falcons won the tournament, I felt for them honestly. I fe


Flipping through the musty pages of your past this morning, you smile at every event remembered. You remember those days when time was still young, very young. Before time struck puberty and everything stiffened. The time when it took only one sweet to become ones friend and one nod of disagreement to lose your entire clique. These memories come to you with certain alienated majesty.

You look at this picture here and it rings a bell. It reminds you of how you, Tope, Wole and Ifeanyi loved rainy